Selecting The Right Builder
Ask the competition: Do you include a lifetime structural warranty? Is your building engineered?

Finding the right builder for your building is a very important step.  The builder must not only know how to properly
build your building, but must also be able to advise you on the design.  In addition, the builder must be experienced.
Also, when choosing the builder, make sure that this company/builder will be able to provide the foundation for your
building.  In order to eliminate any possible problems or disputes if the foundation is not done properly, we do not
recommend the use of another contractor for your building's foundation work. We believe that any reputable builder
should be able to provide the foundation and any concrete work for the customer.
And finally, our recommendation to you (when you are shopping around) is to purchase from and deal with the actual
builder. The advantage to dealing direct with the builder is, better pricing, less frustration and headaches, less work on
your end trying to find someone else to do site work, foundation, electrical, plumbing, etc.

Comparing Prices

When comparing prices from different builders and dealers, here are few tips to keep in mind:

1. For an accurate "apple-to-apple" comparison always request a detailed quote showing what's included and what's
not included in the price.  You'll be surprised to find out how many companies will lure you with a "good" price (the price
they show in advertisements and on their websites) and later will keep adding things like cost of foundation, delivery,
sales tax, out-of-state assembly fees, equipment rental, and the features that you thought would have been included in

2. When comparing prices, make sure to keep closer look at construction specifications for the building you are
getting.  Often, the companies will give you a "good" price for their basic construction and then will add extra charges
for different upgrades in order to accommodate local codes.  By all means, when you call and talk to the salesperson,
ask as many questions as possible about their construction and what's included and not included in the price.

3. After you are done comparing construction specifications, ask the sales person about the building dimensions.  Wall
height, total height, headroom, clearance under lean-to headers (if you are ordering the lean-to), roof pitch, grade of
all lumber, tensile strength of metal, etc.
Knowing all the details will help you with the building comparison.

                                                There Is A BIG Difference

Remember the old saying…you pay for what you get. More often than not, you have probably experienced it many
times in your life.
A structurally sound quality building will add value to your property.


After building, will you be able to write a testimony like this?
“From start to finish, the whole project went as smoothly as we had anticipated. The advantages of post frame
construction, such as quicker construction time and lower total project cost, make it a sensible alternative for
commercial uses. The ability to make changes while the building was going up is an advantage that steel buildings do
not have. Because of the flush frame design and wood frame, the interior finishing and design were a snap. The ability
to have the exposed trusses painted black allowed us to keep our theme throughout the whole building. This store is
the prototype of a store franchise and we are very pleased with the look, design and flexibility.”

“We wanted quality in a building with an affordable price. And we got it. Thank you!”

“Lester has an actual engineering department who provides clear, accurate drawings. My sales rep quickly provided a
drawing showing the design and look of my building using his laptop and special software.”

When you pay too much, you lose a little money, that is all.

The thing you bought was incapable of doing the thing it was
bought to do.

The common law of business balance prohibits paying a little and
getting a lot.  It can't be done.

If you deal with your lowest bidder, it is well to add something for the risk you run...

...And if you do that, you will have enough to pay for something better.

There is hardly anything in the world that someone can't make a little worse and sell a little cheaper,  and people who
consider price alone are this man's lawful prey."